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What We’re Looking For

As part of our ongoing growth strategy, The Haywoods Group is actively seeking development opportunities in South and West London through self-purchase and joint venture.

Specifically, we are looking at: residential conversions, new-build projects and more affordable housing. Our in-house acquisition team assesses all project sizes, from bespoke homes to large multi-unit developments.

If you are a landowner or intermediary and wish to discuss the development potential of your property and how to maximise its value, please contact our acquisitions manager Jack Perry on 0208 875 1919 or email Jack@Haywoodsgroup.com

Land Acquisition

Why Choose Us?

To date we have brought forward over £200 million worth of residential development schemes across London.

Our trading history and strong financial backing allows us immediate access to funding on new projects, cutting considerable time for the landowner. Our expert in-house team appraise opportunities quickly and efficiently allowing no-nonsense, realistic offers and expedited exchange and completion.

Over the past 25 years, we have forged long-lasting relationships with agents, landlords and intermediaries, resulting in a steady flow of new development opportunities.

Land Acquisition